Saturday, September 8, 2007

Madrid 14-sept-07

Midnight in Madrid in Plaza Santa Ana.

With two of the women who live in the same flat as me. I have now been in Madrid for nearly 2 weeks and have enjoyed my time here. I am living near the Argüelles metro station, which is central to the city and near the univeristy, with 9 other flat mates. They are an interesting bunch. Most of them are Spaniards, which is good, but they are considerably older. The 2 women that live in the rooms next to mine are over fifty and I think the youngest person besides myself is 26. They are all quite friendly though, and I think next month a couple Spanish students will be moving in.

A look at my bedroom.

With friends from Italy and the US. It has been great meeting people from so many different places around the world. I've met already met a ton of Italians, Germans, French, and British people as well people from Columbia, Czech, Belgium, Poland, Russia, and Singapore.

The lifestyle here is quite different as well. The streets are empty before nine in the morning, most stores close for siesta from 2-5, and all the plazas are packed with people by midnight. I began a language intensive course this week and like the professor. I think the dificulty level is just right and it is nice being surrounded with other students at the same speaking level as me.

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